When I go to the gym during the day and get on the treadmill or elliptical machine, I always work a little harder when court-tv is on and is covering a specific courtroom drama that seems to involve a lovely brunette from the state of Florida. She looks like such a wholesome lass, with her hair in a ponytail and her…
Does anyone else use odd-shaped/weighted objects for weight training, like sand bags? The science behind it seems sound: inconsistent weight forces your core muscles to keep your body in balance through the entirety of the exercises. Take an exercise like military press. With standard weights, you will mainly use your…
New to the board, but not to the site. Sadly, I have only been using the website to log my weight loss. I know I should be logging my meals and exercises, but I keep pushing it off. I have been keeping it in the back of my mind to start doing that if I ever hit a wall and cant lose any weight for a few weeks. Here's my…