Passover Recipes and Strategies
Calling all MOTs! :smile: What are you making for Seder? What are your strategies for being guests at other people's Seders? We are guests the first night and hosting the second. At our house, we typically include roasted veggies, and I may look for something made with sweet potatoes. But most other choices seem so high in…
Bakers: How can I get more protein into this muffin recipe?
Someone (can't remember who) recently posted a link to this Morning Glory Muffin recipe. I love this kind of muffin, and I knew I could play with it a little and get more muffins with less sugar. (Subbed 3/4 C of one of the baking blends for the 1C of sugar.) I ended up with 18 muffins, each with 181 Calories, 19g Carbs,…
NYT Article: For weight loss, eating less is more important than exercise.
Apologies if this has been posted before - it's a New York Times piece from last June. Essentially the author is saying that - while exercise has many, many bennefits - if weight loss is your primary goal, then food choices are more important. He is not saying that exercise plays no role. But he is saying that many people…
Business Travelers: Share Your Tips with Me Please
I am going to be away from home for work for three days next week, and would love some tips. I'll be flying and not checking luggage, so I'll be limited in terms of what I can bring with me. (TSA). But, I will have a rental car and can purchase things (within reason) while I'm away. Fortunately, I will likely not have to…
Fitness Trackers JUST for measuring calories - is this a thing?
I'm overwhelmed by the number and variety of fitness trackers out there, and honestly, I really just want to know how effective my workouts are for burning calories. Probably like many of you, I have a limited number of brain cells I can devote to weight loss, and I need to focus them on meal planning, meal prep, carving…
Hoopers: How Did You Learn?
I've searched youtube and found "How to Hoop" videos geared to the beginner, but so far even those get right into the fancy moves with the hands, hips, etc. I really just want to learn how to keep the thing on my waist! So please tell me, hoopers: How did you learn? (Full disclosure: I do not have a hoop yet. I didn't want…
DVDs or Youtube workouts for the "mature" woman?
I've searched and read lots of threads recommending DVDs/Youtube workouts, but I'd love to hear about any geared towards the unfit, over-50 type. :smile: I am 51, never sustained regular exercise for more than a few months at a time, pretty overweight (85ish lbs.) I am doing Couch to 5K (at very slow speeds, but I'm doing…
Tips for navigating the message boards
I'd be interested to hear tips from people about how they navigate these message boards, especially people with experience at other boards. I've used many boards that are "v-bulletin" formats, all of which have a similar look and feel. On those boards, not only can you easily find your way back to threads you've posted in,…
New and a Little Lost
I joined a while back but only recently started using this site. The food and fitness diary part of the site is simple - no problems there. It's this area here I'm a little confused over! How is it that people get and give support - is it just through their blogs here? I've checked out a few and it seems like people have…