I finally finally got my elliptical and up until today have been getting on it everyday. (today my 2 year old has been sitting on my lap almost ALL day-doc says he got a consussion yesterday-so I've just been mommying all day today...) anyway, I was wondering...is it better to do a longer period of time at less resistance…
I am doing a research paper for school concerning the high rate of obesity in this country and though I knew I didn't like the stuff, and NEVER buy juice for my kids containing it, I never realized why it was so bad for ya. I mean of course I heard things and my instincts told me to steer clear but...wow...did you know…
I think I read SOMEWHERE on one of the threads of a place you can go to figure out how many calories are in something you make homemade. I have done this on my own, but it is very time-consuming, so if there is such a site and I didn't dream it I sure would like to know where it is.
my family pops popcorn at least once a week. I use a stir crazy popper and use a fairly generous amount of canola oil to pop it in. Then I salt it, but add no butter or anything else. How bad is this? I can't seem to find much about it in my diet books I have. I can't stand airpopped-no flavor-and if I don't use enough oil…
I am so excited to find this sight! I have been a member of another weight loss forum which I also enjoy, but having the tools here to calculate my daily intake of food will really help. I am psyched to begin seeing results. I hope I can be of help to you all in some way and hope you will "kick me in the pants" if I need…