For all the moms this will make you laugh
I gained allot of weight years ago. I started counting calories and working out and got help from a doctor with phentermine. I promised myself that when I got to my goal weight and was healthy I would keep it. I LIED! I did keep it off for about 3 years then allot of stuff happened and life took a terrible turn and gave me…
I have a hectic schedule with family, full time job and a long commute. Finding time to hit a gym is not a possiblity for me. I have to find creative ways to get in some exercise during the day. I walk on lunch and stretch a few times a day but to help my arms everytime I use the restroom I do 10 wall push ups. It doesn't…
New here 33 year old Mother of 2 needing to lose 50 lbs can use all the support I can get