descreet ways to exercise

I have a hectic schedule with family, full time job and a long commute. Finding time to hit a gym is not a possiblity for me. I have to find creative ways to get in some exercise during the day. I walk on lunch and stretch a few times a day but to help my arms everytime I use the restroom I do 10 wall push ups. It doesn't sound like much but by the end of the day I've logged allot. I know its just wall pushups but every little bit helps.
Does anyone else have any other tricks to get some workout time in during the day?


  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    I like the idea of the wall push up, with the amount of water i'm drinking I am in the bathroom all the time lol. I stand on my toes when I do copy
  • craftybirdy
    I sometimes do squats while I'm brushing my teeth :happy:
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Do the Tabata protocol with something like body weight squats or burpees. Takes literally 4 mins a day. 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest, repeat 8 times.

    Basically 4 mins, max effort, no equipment. Done!
  • amandattown
    amandattown Posts: 17 Member
    If you have an office chair, you can do dips right at your seat!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    squats in the restroom also. I've even done a few "high legs" getting them up and going. Do you have stairs at work? A couple flights of stairs every couple hours is a great break. Dang I should go do that right now! I haven't done that this week.

    Love the bathroom push-ups I do those too.

    drink Lots of water. Its good for you, and hopefully gives you more bathroom breaks.... meaning more walks and more pushups. :)

    Can you tell I have the same issues.
  • speedgraphic19
    You could do calf raises while standing in line at the grocery store or whatever, too.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Do the Tabata protocol with something like body weight squats or burpees. Takes literally 4 mins a day. 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest, repeat 8 times.

    Basically 4 mins, max effort, no equipment. Done!

    I just read the Tabata protocol on and it states not to do it with weights.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Run up and down the stairs, that's pretty exhausting if you keep doing it.
  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    Lunges while vacuuming around the house works. Try calf raises on the stairs too. Just the front of your foot on the bottom step with your heel hanging off and raise up onto the ball of your foot. Make sure to have a hand rail/wall for balance just in case.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Look at it this way...........if you can find time to *kitten* and make yourself happy..........I'm thinking you can find a way to make yourself happy in other ways.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I get up at 4:15 to work out because I don't have any other time. I had to make time for it. I also work full-time, go to school full-time and am a full-time single parent. You just have to make it happen.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    All of these suggestions are good, but you'll get the best bang for your buck doing tabata.

    Sprint for 10 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, for 8 repetitions equalling four minutes, until you feel comfortable increasing the time to 15 seconds sprint, 15 seconds rest, and eventually work into a true tabata workout of 20 seconds sprint, 10 seconds rest.

    Four minutes of that leaves me ready to hurl. It's incredibly good for you.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    If you have a desk job, get a Magnetrainer (
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    . Finding time to hit a gym is not a possiblity for me.

  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I have a friend who thinks chairs should be eliminated from schools and replaced with exercise balls. you'd HAVE to sit up or you'd roll off. I wonder if your boss would allow this?
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Doing YouTube workouts are great!
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    i remember when i used to work in an office and every time i'd go to the loo i'd do 20 press ups and 50 sit ups!

    actually no, i didnt. thats disgusting... bathroom floor??? no thanks

    wish i'd thought of wall stuff :]
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    Squeeze your glutes while standing somewhere. Stand on one leg (on toes/ on a towel while brushing your teeth or in the bus) needs a lot of stabilization.
  • michiganmanda
    michiganmanda Posts: 43 Member
    This is kind of dumb but whenever I have to go to the restroom at work I use the one on the first floor (I work on the third floor). I can do the two flights without issue but they add up throughout the day.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I am VERY sneaky when it comes to physical training.
    Jumping jacks in the conference room, calisthenics anywhere....
    Seriously, you have the right idea.
    There are ALWAYS possibilities.