descreet ways to exercise



  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Look at it this way...........if you can find time to *kitten* and make yourself happy..........I'm thinking you can find a way to make yourself happy in other ways.

    Random answer!!!! But true! In one Jillian Michaels DVD she says people are kidding themselves by thinking taking the stairs etc is enough. Her DVDs are 20 mins long...can you get up early and do one, say 2 x during the week and once at the weekend?
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Look at it this way...........if you can find time to *kitten* and make yourself happy..........I'm thinking you can find a way to make yourself happy in other ways.

  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Do lunges instead of walking around your house!
  • hamilton040
    hamilton040 Posts: 60 Member
    Look at it this way...........if you can find time to *kitten* and make yourself happy..........I'm thinking you can find a way to make yourself happy in other ways.

    *kitten* or Meditate?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    there is always time...... what you choose to fill it with is your choice.... what you decide to do will determine your priorities. it's exercising one of them? Frankly it doesn't sound like it. you either make changes or you make excuses..... the choice is yours
  • princessd84
    princessd84 Posts: 121 Member
    Could you do a workout DVD for half an hour at home, three times per week? An hour and a half is not much to give up during the week and you don't need to leave the house to do it.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    I do squats in the copy room while I'm waiting on copies to print out :)
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    If you have to ask, you're doing it wrong!

    Sorry, that was at the person who said WTH?
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    squat instead of sitting on a "public" toilet (I just do it because of hygiene..I don't trust toilet seats)

    ankle weights if you walk a lot, great if you seat a lot you can do leg extensions with them
    erm walk up the stairs squatting or squat at the top of stairs..
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    If you have time at home, pick up a coupe of tins or bags of sugar from the cupboard and do some lifts, it soons adds up. Good luck
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I've run laps in my classroom before when the workout room here on campus was locked.

    Where there's a will......
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you want it, you'll find time for it.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    you could do kegels at work?
  • mhaight85
    Do you watch tv? if so you have time to exercise :O) We have a mini-trampoline and I'll bounce on that while i watch tv sometimes.

    With the bathroom breaks, maybe jumping jacks sometimes instead just to switch it up.

    Turn on the radio and dance while you do housework! Or just have a dance party with your kids (if you have them).
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I do 10 squats every hour while I'm at work when nobody is in the store... Soon I'll be increasing to 15.. but 10 is a lot for me still since I'm >300 pounds!

    I pace up and down the aisles at work rather than stand behind the counter.

    Back when I used to have a long commute I used to do my rapid ritas and slow sallys while stopped at traffic lights.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    If you want it, you'll find time for it.

  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    When I had a long commute I got up at 4:30 went to the gym and got my workout in, came home got the kid and myself ready for the day. Is there a gym near your office? You can get in a good 30-40 minute workout and still be back in an hour. I sometimes workout at lunch and then eat at my desk afterwards.

    Sneaking moves into your day does help but if you want to see real body changes I would devote some time to yourself and hit the gym.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Lots of sex
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    I do squats in the copy room while I'm waiting on copies to print out :)
    I know. I watch you from behind the ducts.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Walking in the spot. I've mastered looking like I need to pee constantly. The looks I get are great. I even do steps ups on the curb. When I wait for the bus (rare now cause I decide to walk EVERYWHERE) I will do some full on workouts in the bus stop.