Good morning all. I have tried to read through what everyone has going and it looks like the focus is great. Me - not bad but considering the move over the weekend, all the boxes around and just now starting to get my kitchen back on track, my September "fresh Start" has not been quite what I intended. Not bad - just not…
and I think that's just it. it's a Daily Fresh start in some shape or fashion. Things that are working - or not and adjustments to be made. And all that is ok. I did manage a nice walk with the puppies last night. Yay. Added another 3 miles to my total for the month. Did not pack a single box. Instead watched the US vs…
Good morning my friends. Sorry I was a bit MIA this weekend. Busy Saturday with bday parties and events. Was pretty good for all that. Yesterday I was able to walk 9 holes of golf - man was it hot by the end of that and it was only 9AM!!!! Then spent the rest of the day packing boxes for the move. Even with the move I am…