Just goes to show what a lot of hard work and perseverance can accomplish! I am joining the Air National Guard in Oct and need to be down to 225lbs. I started on Aug 10th and I've lost 14.5 pounds in 30 days! Only 6 more lbs to go! No crazy diets or anything like that ( I still have my frozen pizza for dinner :D ). Just…
Hello, I just wanted to stop in and say hello to everybody. Just a little backstory on my goal. I am 38 years old, 6'4" and currently weight 240.5. I was in the Airforce for six year back in 2001-2007 and during the time from them till now I went from 218 to my current weight. I'm looking to join back into the Air National…
I'm 36 year old and I'm 238lbs (not going to put 240 damnit!) pounds and I have a Body Fat % of just under 30%. That makes me "slightly Obese". Wow, that's not cool. My wife has been a Vegetarian/Vegan for almost 3 years now, and started going to the gym about 2 months ago regularly. She's always been very fitness minded…