HELP I did keto last year, lost ten lbs and kept it off. So far these three weeks I’ve lost ONE lb. not even water weight! Wtf. My main issue on keto is consuming enough calories. I’m often eating 1000 or so. So I decided yesterday to try two weeks of eating keto at maintence calories (1700). Today I’ve already gained a…
I've posted on some old threads but nobody seems to be around! I'm probably going to do a reset and wanted to know how much people gained, how long it took them to stop gaining and how quickly they lost it. Thanks! Karina
So I know posting is the lazy way out but I've been reading and reading and it's overwhelming for a newbie to digest all this info. Hopefully somebody will have the time and patience to comment and help me out. Stats: I'm 5' 5" 145lbs 26percent body fat and 23 years old. Depending on what exercise level I am [I don't have…
Okay so the only times I've been able to lose weight is on a LOW calorie diet. I mean between 1100-1200 calories a day [and yes I'm counting right]. For some reason if I eat even 1300 or 1400 the scale never budges and I even gain. In the past after I lose the weight I eventually need to eat like a normal person and when I…
I am raw vegan so sometimes it takes a lot of fruit and nuts to keep me full. So it's hard to keep calories down. Help!