Hello everybody my name is joe and i am back to mfp i really need to get my wt under control. For the life of me i dont know why i leave this site or just fall off in general actually. I know why i fall off i start doing good and i never follow thur i need to work on too so now its 2013 and i want to do this i need to do…
I just wanted to say that ever since i started this journey of losing weight i have been feeling so much better mind and body. It's so strange for me to say that cause i thought i felt good but eating healthier and just moving a little more has given me more happiness than i could ever imagined and my family is reaping the…
does anybody have any good ideas for drinking water?
i wanted to know if anybody knows how to make the notes that i write to myself go day to day or do i have to write the same note every day like an reminder note for reference please help if you know the answer