I ate like such a fatty yesterday! What was I thinking? I need some ideas on how to cook something healthy late at night when I am exhausted. For example., I worked at 5:30 am yesterday but then I didn't have dinner until almost 11 pm because of our crazy schedule! So I was too exhausted to cook and I ended up eating the…
What's your SV today?
What are your small victories today? For me it was working out for an hour :) Not a lot but I am damned proud and I had fun! you?
Iron Supplements?
I eat a mainly plant based diet and I was wondering if here is truth to the iron supplement myth. My lovely mother has told me it keeps you from pooping. Haha. Is that true? I bought a multi v with iron...is it safe?
A fresh Start
Hey there! I am a long time MFP member that has fallen off the wagon more than once. Things in my life have made it difficult for me to stay on track so I have decided to start anew! The best way for me to accomplish that is to start fresh. A new year, a new me, a new outlook, a new profile! I didn't like so much that when…