Guideline Daily Allowance?
Hey everyone I am just wondering what the GDA is for men and women? I always thought it was: 2000kcal for women 2200kcal for men and 1500 for children? Is this completely wrong? I have been arguing with my mum :/
Stretch Marks HELP!
Hey Everyone :D I started my diet today and mainly because my stomach has these purple stretchmarks :'( I am not massive (UK Size 14/16) but I have these marks that start from my pubic line and a few CM's up :'( If I loose any weight via healthy eating and exercise will I lose them/fade? or am I stuck with them forever? ;'(
Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change :D
hey everyone, So i started my 'lifestyle change' today and I feel amazing! I have always loved fruit and eat it daily but instead of using is as snacks I actually used it for my meals instead. I had waffles with Strawberries, banana's, and raspeberrries and I feel stuffed! Couldn't even eat the yoghurt I had planned for…