I'm 59 years old and spent 2 years in a terrible depression. I had an accident that made it too hard to move and being sedentary and eating the wrong foods made me gain about 168 pounds. I have made some significant changes. I pushed myself out of the wheelchair and did easy non weight bearing workouts and maintained 1200…
I have clicked on everything and I can't figure out how to change the amount of calories I am allowed every day. i know it is something really simple sorry to be such a dummy
I currently have a scale I paid $90 for, it talks, but for how many times she tells me 'goodbye' a lot of good it does me. I tap it, she says "I'm ready" and I get on. Granted, I will admit that I am a big woman, but the scale weighs up to 500 pounds so that should not be a problem, it is digital so I don't have to worry…