kathleenmary73 Member


  • so when it says you've earned 1600 calories a day it means I can eat that many more?
  • so how do I fix the problem
  • I was working with a weight loss center at Ohio State University--they tested me and found that I needed 2670 calories to maintain and suggested I drop to 1200 calories a day to achieve a 2 -3 pound loss a week. I was told if I created a deficit of 500 calories with exercise, I would lose another pound. Well I was unable…
  • some people tell me I'm likely gaining muscle because for the first time in 2 years I'm actually using my leg muscles in the pool. I have a problem believing that but what you are saying I don't get but it sounds like a better conclusion. So because my muscles were so unused, now the activity is making them work and they…
  • Honey I spent a life time using food for comfort--I know what you are suffering from and I can identify. Food is a fabulous coping mechanism, but it has it's drawbacks. So we have to learn how to cope with something a little less fattening. problem is, we spend so much time and effort building our dependency on food, we…
  • Thank you sweet girl. I knew it was easy. I appreciate your kindness.
  • Girl I just wrote an article about Trigger foods--there are many--but it's up to the individual to discover what they are. It is a well known and documented fact that sugar tends to make you hungrier not just for sugar but for anything. It is one of my biggest trigger foods. I also have trouble with bread, especially home…
  • If you're eating 3000 calories a day to maintain, then you can cut your calories to 1500 and lose 3 pounds a week or 2000 to lose 2 a week. If you add some exercise even more. I went to the university and had tests done to scientifically determine just how much calories I had to eat and how much exercise I had to do to…
  • Please explain to me how a diet of fruit and vegetables would be healthier than the fast foods you mentioned. I am very interested in learning about why you believe this.
  • I went to a seminar once of marketing and one of the speaker referred to most commercials as "mind rape". He said the marketing industry put a ton of money and brain power into figuring out how to get into the minds of Americans to force them to buy products they really didn't want. I never forgot that.
  • I was an ACE Trainer/Instructor and worked with a lot of people and I can tell you there is a significant difference in weight loss after 50. One of my ladies was thin her entire life and after menopause she started to put on the pounds. My sister who has always been thin and active started to gain weight at 51, which was…
  • I'm over fifty. I came here from the facebook community on weight loss where I felt like everyone's grandmother They were all very nice and supportive but some of the workout they were giving challenges for would kill me, honey. I am happy to help you in any way I can.
  • Sugar affects different people in different ways. I have been off of sugar for just over two months now and the difference is amazing. But you're talking about the fruit in a smoothie, I am thinking that would not be harmful unless you re sugar sensitive in which case perhaps you need to stick to low sugar fruit like…
  • That's because you are being challenge now, honey. The treadmill is a good workout and you became efficient at it but your body also became accustomed to it and now you probably need to up the challenge to your body to get better results. That's why cross training is such a great way to work out. Do you still have the…
  • Honey, I was a compulsive list maker, I set goals for myself all of the time. When I went into talk to my motivational coach she nabbed me--right in the middle of my lists. I was feeling like a failure because i was giving myself a to do list every day that five people couldn't accomplish. She said I was setting myself up…
  • Columbus Ohio, 7 degrees today and snowing. I have arthritis and the cold is not her friend. I must tell you tho stretching has really helped.
  • I can tell you this, it take a lot of calories to warm up your body. If you are in a really cold area and as you stated you get cold a lot, your body will be burning more, just to keep warm. People get hungry though, for different reasons. I know sugar makes me really hungry, so after the great Christmas sugar rush you…
  • when you are asleep, you metabolism is resting, so when you wake up it needs to be fed so that it can work for you. Not eating breakfast isn't terrible, but only eating 1200 calories at one time? Not good at all. Think about it, your metabolism is slow to no all day because it does not have what it needs and then suddenly…
  • I can tell you that in some cases sugar has a notable affect on appetite and if you drop all sugar on Sunday and try to live without it on Monday, you're going t go through some hunger pangs because of the sugar. I'm going by what my doctor and nutritionist has told me and by what I've actually experienced, sugar not only…
  • There is no exact formula for losing weight, everybody is different. I did everything at the university with a bunch of fantastic new tech toys that told me everything I needed to know h lose pounds. The told me if I cut back 500 cals a day I'd lose a pound a week and we set a number for me which just happens to be 1200…
  • Plateaus are going to happen and it usually takes a shift in activity to rev up your metabolism to move things along. Have you thought about cross training? Is there a particular reason you are at 1350 calories? I know the reason I am at 1200 calories is because I am on a program at OSU and they put me on a machine to see…
  • I'm an older woman with a lot of wisdom and a heart of gold and I'd love to help you in your journey, dear. I'm looking at 170 pounds to lose
  • sometimes you're hungry for a reason. I have low blood sugar and was always waking up at 2am starving and could not go back to sleep until I ate something. I thought this meant I was not only weird but seriously addicted to food. Turns out it is because of my low blood sugar and if I have a high protein snack--usually…
  • This is and always has been a problem for me. I don't know why. I recently found out that people who wake up in the middle of the night, say 2am about, usually have a sugar problem--diabetes or hypoglycemic--I am hypoglycemic so I made inquiries. I found out that if you eat a late night, before be snack high in protein it…
  • I am enrolled in a wellness program that meets on Mondays so my weigh day is on Monday--7pm at night how awful is that? Everybody knows it's better to weigh in the morning. I fast on Monday's because the first night I weighed in I was not eating that day so now I feel like I'll not have a true weight if I don't do the same.
  • I can tell you a bit about it because I managed a home health office and some of my nurses were all into it. It is supposed to be all natural ingredient that cause your skin to detox--sweat, and actually decrease an inch or two. They are fine for a temporary fix, but nothing permanent. Nothing takes the place of diet and…
  • Originally New Orleans Louisiana but I was a restless, wild child. Moved to Virginia Beach and lived there for 21 years and since I am totally unlike most retired folk who migrate south to retire in warm places, I moved to the beautiful country side of Ohio so I could experience the joys of winter with my snowbird self.
  • No need for a beautiful you woman like yourself to be depressed and hopeless. There is only one rule to weight loss--eat less move more. Find out what your BMR is, how many calories you need in a day just to do nothing and subtract 500 calories a day to lose one pound a week. There is a lot of success with six small meals…
  • If you have internet, you can go to you tube and choose one of their workouts--they have a variety of them for all fitness levels. It doesn't matter what you have at home or don't have you can always walk and if you're snowed in you can do a variety of different things inside to get your workout done. Challenge…
  • Hi, I'm Kathleen and I'm in the age of fifty something. I had two very bad years and thanks to arthritis I stopped moving and gained a lot of weight. Now I'm looking at a very long road ahead of my but I am feeling pretty god about my future and getting back to doing the things that I love. I love people and enjoy…