I'm a tall girl. I have tall girl awesomeness and tall girl problems. I'd like to friend some fellow tall girls who know what I'm living with! Anyone out there? :) (5'11" = me)
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share that I did my first handstand EVER today. It may not sound like much, but to me, it's a sign that I'm getting stronger and braver. I'm not letting fear stop me from trying things I want to try. I'm growing and accomplishing more than I ever thought, and each new acquired skill takes me…
Hey everyone! I have weak knees (I didn't know this before doing crossfit!) and after about three weeks of regular WODs my knees got VERY tender. Now, I am aware that tendons and ligaments do not toughen as quick as muscles, and it's possible that my knees are just in that phase. However, they are constantly just kind of…