mrskperry Member


  • I agree that many vegetables are "negative calories", but I wouldn't lump any fruits into the "free" category. The ONLY thing that fruits do for you is raise your insulin levels. It's straight sugar in the form of fructose. You need to count sugar calories because the more foods you eat that your body recognizes as sugar…
  • I can't say just yet, but I asked my husband for one as an anniversary present. I should be getting it today or this weekend. I am VERY excited to see how it works, and I'll be sure to let everyone know if I think it's amazing! :)
  • I just replaced my Mirena with Paragard, and I'm documenting daily how I feel about switching in my MFP blog. I have to warn against believing the "copper toxicity" claims. I think it's more likely that those members have a copper allergy. We intake a lot more copper in our daily life through diet and water than Paragard…
  • The best reminder I have seen in these instances is a picture of a woman who weighed 155 in both pictures, but she doesn't look like the same woman. Check her out: There's nothing to be…
  • Have you thought about invisalign? That might be a solution to your feelings. If not, I actually know people who think braces are pretty adorable, not to mention just keep the end result in mind! Straight teeth are a huge turn on for a lot of people. (I can't date someone with jacked up teeth...) You'll be just adding to…
  • Yup, I know. I regularly retrieve items from shelves for shorties. :)
  • Damn right it's discriminatory! Nothing wrong with wanting to share the love with people like you! ;) However, if you wanna be my friend, I'm not gonna hate on you because you're not as tall as me! That'd be ludicrous!
  • Hi everyone, I'm chiming in. I have similar problems as some of you, and I just had my Mirena out today and replaced with a copper IUD. I'm going to be tracking my progress on my MFP blog, as I do not know what to expect or how I will feel now that this has been removed. Some background: Date Mirena in: April 2009 (4 years…
  • Get ups are an incredible exercise! Yeah, they do take a while, but it's a tough move that requires a lot of attention to detail and patience. Great!
  • I aspire to your level! 50 consecutive burpees in ANY length of time would be great. :)
  • Wow! That's beastly!
  • I, too, struggle with the DUs. I'm just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a rope? My box doesn't appear to have the proper length rope for me, as I'm almost 6 feet (not that that's really tall compared to some men, but still). Any suggestions?? Thanks!!
  • That's awesome! Now that I can do handstands, I want to start working up to HSPUs! I saw a great video on that showed you how to progress and still protect your skull. ;)
  • [/quote] Well it sounds like you're doing all the right things. What I struggle with is time. I don't give myself enough time to heal. I'm always kind of bumped and banged up from crossfit. Right now I have what feels like a connective tissue pull in my ankle that I think I hurt just pulling off my shoes after a WOD. SOOO…
  • That's wonderful! Box jumps give me butterflies too. I'm always a LITTLE worried that I'm going to miss the box and tear up my shins, or bust my face, or something of the like. :)
  • Wow! Those are great goals! I'm right there with you, and congrats on your first RX! I LOVE when that happens, but I'm still a long way from RXing regularly.
  • LOVE the crossfit! Great job!
  • Oh man, that's rough! Great work! I'll be peeing myself the day I can do a real pullup!
  • Great inspirations and weight loss progress! Keep it up, cuz you rock and your kiddos deserve the best!
  • I'll tell you what I noticed. I've been doing crossfit since December. I gained a half a pound/week for the first 3 weeks. After that, I've been losing around 2 lbs per week (sometimes a little more). I typically weigh myself once a week. I did like the comment though, "once a month when you take measurements." I'm going…
  • Damn. I'm glad that wasn't my WOD! :) Good job!!!