My nutritional goal this month is to find and make a recipe each week. The idea is to push me into trying new foods but also to create a database of recipes that I can pull from anytime instead of eating the same grilled chicken every night. Anyone have a similar goal? Anyone have a good recipe?
COLLARD GREEN ROLLS WITH ASIAN DIPPING SAUCE My children would eat burritos for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I let them. We fill them with a variety of clean ingredients (even leftovers!), but I wanted a healthier alternative to all of those tortillas. When I presented collard greens as wrappers, I got some curious…
Next time you're feeling stressed, don't hide from the world -- get out into it! The hot new field of "ecopsychology" claims that many of our problems -- as individuals and as a society -- stem from having lost our connection to the natural world. To this end, ecopsychologists may take clients on nature expeditions as a…
3 Weight Loss Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them Pitfall #1: Denial We look in the mirror every day. But many of us choose to see the person we once were, ignoring the extra 50 pounds that we've packed on. Others tell themselves that it's a temporary thing that "just happened" blaming a bad relationship, grueling job or baby…