Hi there! One of the things science shows about weight loss is that publicly declaring your intentions and sharing them with people around you helps increase success. So that's what this thread is for. What's your reason for tracking your exercise or eating healthy? Are you excited about a big life event or trying to get…
I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there who's going to DragonCon? I firmly believe "Cosplay starts in the gym" and I'm working hard to look my best for this year's Con. Anyone else?
Hi! I recently completed the Couch to 5K treadmill program (http://www.c25k.com/c25k_treadmill.html). My 5K was this past weekend. Although I finished and felt good, I was unable to run the whole time. I ended up taking several walk breaks, but staying on pace.(Finish time was 42:16.) I assume the problem was that I hadn’t…