So, I've already made a comparison thread...a while ago. But, I've lost a bit more weight, took new pictures..and I've got plenty of old ones to compare to xD Started in mid-March 2010, and still going strong! ;) Before: After Before After Before After Before After So, I hope this inspires some people! Anyways, I burned a…
Hello! So, I was a pretty overweight guy throughout most of my teen years, and around March of last year I decided to start changing that. I'm now about 60lbs less, and am mainly just focusing on muscle building now ;) So, here are some pictures of what I've done so far! And some more..…
Hey! So I've been on the site for about a month now, but just started posting on the forums and what not :P So I figured I'd introduce myself now...I've been losing weight for almost a year now, and am at about 60lbs lost. Bein' a part of this site should make it even easier on me in the future! Recently made a thread…