I'm probably behind the curve here but there are always newbies and people that don't like to dig through pages of past posts. Virtual trails here. I'm 95% finished with The Long Trail in Vermont. http://www.walking4fun.com/ Funny article from David Sedaris about fitbit obsession.…
Cucumbers are having a fabulous year and everyone seems inundated with them. I found a great cuke salsa recipe that's really tasty. What other recipes do you have?
An hour after I go to bed I'm up with restless legs. This has been going on for a week or so. I've increased my magnesium and have been doing a little stretching. I walk 5-10 miles per day (I'm a pet sitter) and I've been taking an water aerobics class 2-3 x/week. Any other suggestions? I'm going to try stretching more…
I had a sweet potato that was getting old so I peeled and chopped it into bite sized pieces, steamed it until it was not so hard, then roasted it with a drizzle of honey, Chinese 5-spice, and a tablespoon of butter. Yum Yum!
Anyone been using this product? Got any comments about it? Mine is still in the mail but I'm looking forward to seeing how it works. I understand it's okay to wear in the shower but it would be nice if I could wear it in the pool.