my Garmin is saying I am burning way more calories than I am.
It is off by like 3000 calories . I talked to support they replaced my device and the new one has the same problem so I am thinking it is something in the settings? other than this it is fatastic and I love my Vivosmart HR , I am thinking of disconnecting it from MFP at this point since it is soooo way off.
Anyone have an UP3? Thinking of getting one.
I have been using my up24 and it is great but I wanted to upgrade to an up3. Does anyone have experience with it , Opinions thought etc?
Jawbone up team? anyone want to join?
you can find me under David Roman and my profile pic is me with my wife.
Just 1500 calories to eat I am nervous.
I thought I would lose a ton when I went from my normal pre mfp diet of 3800 calories a day to 2300 . To my surprise I lost but then it stalled at only 10 pounds. So I changed my goal to 2 pounds a week and that took me down to 1500 calories a week. that is going to be much harder to do than the 2300 . Am I making to big…
How to measure level of effort
A lot of exercises you enter in MFP ask you the effort you are putting in . And while my effort that I am doing might be light for some, for a guy with no muscle and pure flab it is definitely a major effort. How do I judge what they mean?
Need help LOOKING forFRIENDS!!!
I let life get in the way. I let things bring me down and keep me from being able to Loose weight. I ended up gaining 35 more pounds and I am at a horrendous 264. I am also taking medications and have a thyroid condition that make this a really hard time to loose weight. But I have too. I am determined to do better this…
The Sporting Club at the Bellevue
Anyone else go there? Anyone else into elitist fru fru super expensive gym's Common you don't have to hide.
Does anyone workout at "the Sporting Club at the Bellevue" ?
I am considering Joining it is expensive but they have everything you could ask for in a Gym. If there were cool people that worked out there it might seal the deal.
Restoration of me :-)
I am looking to get aback on track and start living my life again. I fixed a lot on the inside thanks to learning and practicing mindfulness meditation. Now it's time to fix the outside which has been abused and neglected for years. A little about me I work in IT so I am on my but a lot. About 10 year back I lost 90 pounds…