Today is offically day 1 of 30 for no bread/pasta. Last night I picked up lemons, maple syrup and cyanne pepper for flavored water to help me pee lots ... Only adds 120 cals a day because of the syrup which is added to the 64oz of juice mix I'll drink at work. So last night I did a little detox (ex-lax)..I know I know not…
Questioning why MFP is having my goal calorie intake to be 1240. This seems WAY to low. I am 5'5' currently weight 147-152 lbs. I have a desk job with little walking around/lifting. Workout 5+ times a week 45-60 mins (burning on average 500 calories a workout). I just did a triathlon last weekend, so my workout are usually…
I'm going to my first Tabata class tonight. Just looking to mix up my workouts a little, and slim down the booty :) What should I expect?