It's been 4 years since I've started my journey. I thought I would share it here. Maybe someone can find some inspiration, useful information, and if for nothing else it's always good to recap on the successes that you have made. It will be a long post, and I will talk a lot about running. I honestly feel that running has…
Some of the foods are shocking, I was WAY underestimating them. I also have the advantage of probably being a bit better at guessing then the average person. I am a analytical chemist and weigh/measure stuff all day. While I was doing fairly well with out one I am really excited to use it going forward. It really is not…
So I could use some advice on lifting, or rather starting to. Here is my background: I am a 5'10'' male that is 28 years old (29 on Sunday!). On my 26th birthday I decided to start getting 'healthier' and 'eating better'. Along the road I learned what that really means, and how to do it right. I eat what I want, so long as…