jhall260 Member


  • A few tips that I have learned. Eat salads and greens at meals - skip the dressing. Or put them on the side. Going to a burger place? Don't eat the bun. Or places like Red Robin offer this. Or my least favorite and favorite place, Subway. I'm so sick of eating at Subway. But when at an airport I often get a 6" ham with no…
  • Yes I love to run. First off congrats on the successful weight loss! I did something similar, started in March of 2012 and haven't stopped. Lost about 70lbs myself. Completed my 5th marathon and first 50 mile ultramarathon last year.
  • Another small town here. I usually will do my longer runs out on country roads, or farm roads. We also have a great multi use path that circles our community, its about 25 miles long.
  • I logged my food for a while about a year ago (for a total of about 6 month period, diligently). During this time I weighed everything. It was a real pain in the *kitten*, but it was worth it. What it did for me was give me the tools to know more about portion sizes, and how many calories are really in that meal I am…
  • I am a stickler with my leftovers. I personally would not eat it.
  • I doubt it as well. I'm 175lbs and it takes me about 10 miles or 75 minutes to burn 1,000 calories.
  • I run quite a bit. I've logged about 4,500 - 5,000 miles over the past 3 years or so. I love running though, it's one of my favorite things to do. I'm one of those people who find it as their form of meditation. But anyways; I weighed 172-190 during this period. I drift down to low 170's during marathon training and creep…
  • I do similar to what Franl27 does. I weigh out servings before hand, say 4x servings. Cook it Weigh it again, lets say it weighs 400g after cooking I divide by the number of servings I put into the pot. I'll then take 100g as a serving.
  • Yep - I don't have ice cream to often because it's just to calorie dense for me to be worth it. However when I treat myself I go all out. Full fat ice cream, my favorite is called cupcake king from this local place. It's like a cupcake, and ice cream, all in one amazing dish (never been a fan of cones!). Or maybe some blue…
  • ^ lbs is local bike store just in case! But that is great advice. They can help you out. Fit on a bike is just as important (if not more!) then the bike itself.
  • I definitely think there are gains to be made by strength training and cross training, but the best for running is well running. You don't want to jump up your mileage to much, or you'll risk hurting yourself. I would focus on the running aspect for now. You need to build up that endurance. I've trained for everything…
  • Thanks all. I have really changed my outlook on life in the past 4 years. It's amazing looking back on where I've come from. There are a lot of people on this site that have given me motivation. It also has been a useful tool along the way. While I don't really log any more, just staying active and reading posts, looking…
  • I travel a decent amount for work here are my tips (if its work related travel!) some of them still apply if it isn't however. some of these have been said but I may repeat them. In no specific order; - If you have a fridge in your room, go to the grocery store and get some items. I've even bought stuff that I can make my…
  • I drink most water, even though there is a lot of 'stuff' in it. What the guidelines are missing are the emerging contaminates. Compounds that are not regulated that are finding their way into ground and surface waters. They generally pass right through conventional treatment systems. I've done my research on them at my…
  • I notice that I do better when I cut out the diet sodas. They themselves don't have any impact on weight loss, but indirectly they can at least for me. I notice that I sleep better when I cut out the soda and artificial sweeteners in general. I have know idea why, I just do. Even if it's all just in my head. I tend to have…
  • Like everyone else said it's fine to drink your calories. But I'm in the same boat as a lot of people and I don't find it worth it. I'd rather eat my calories. I often dilute my juice out. Still get the flavor with out all the calories. Makes the bottle of juice last longer too! The only other calories I drink are from…
  • One thing I have always wondered about these diet shoes is why they weigh in the first few weeks. There can be some pretty big changes in the first few weeks when you are considerably overweight. Water loss, clearing of the intestines and poop, whatever. It makes the people expect 10lb losses each week. While you could see…
  • Buy good shoes. I have done 1 ultra marathon 4 marathons and dozens of half marathons. The shoes that I buy are usually $150 a pair and I go through them in 2.5 - 3.5 months or so (400 miles). Yes they are expensive, I run a lot more then the average person so you should get some more life out of them, What acheben said…
  • This is some great advice that I forgot to mention. You have to remove what temptations you can and alter your normal patterns. I did the same thing. I went to a different gas station. Deep cleaned my car (it smelled so much better!), and frankly I even changed some of the friends that I associated with - it sucked but it…
  • Smoke free since April 2nd, 2012. I consider it my second birthday. How old is your daughter? Can you sit down and talk to her about what mom and dad are doing? She may not fully understand - but kids are a lot smarter then we think. Tell her the truth about what you are going through and that you might get angry, but it's…
  • I watched the first episode. It was crazy. The only one with the valid 'diet' was the one who had the do nothing diet (or something of that sorts). He seemed to be on board for eating high quality foods, but eating what you want too. Just limiting your portions and controlling what you eat.
  • Yeah, they don't work. You might lose some water weight but it will be right back. Save your money.
  • I weigh myself daily. Remember there are going to be fluctuations during any given week. Only do this if it will not upset you to see your self several pounds heavier from one day to the next. I am a data junkie (It's my job too!) so I like to see lots of numbers. I use the fitbit scale and have it sync to trendweight.…
  • Nope, like others said return it and your $4 closer to a food scale.
  • ^^ These. The only "detox" I've ever done was for a certain medical exam. I don't recommend it.
    in Detox Comment by jhall260 November 2015
  • Have you been doing well? Then enjoy yourself. We all deserve a treat every now and then, even if you CI>CO for the day. Eat a little less during the day, and maybe tomorrow. Go for an extra walk. Enjoying yourself doesn't mean to go stir crazy though. Get a reasonable portion, or save some for tomorrows lunch. I went out…
  • Don't stress it. We all need to have some fun every now and then. I myself went camping this weekend. It included many pina colidas and lots and lots of bacon. Like the previous poster said it helps me to plan out my meals as well. One weekend wont derail your successes, but staying off track will.
  • It depends. On an early morning run of that distance I would not eat before it. I will have a better run if I don't. If it's a longer run 90 min+ I will generally eat something in the morning but I will also give more time between eating and the run, say 30 minutes or so. Even then it's something light. Find out what works…
  • Awesome. Congratulations on your hard work. It has paid off.
  • Yep like it's said it's not fundamentally important for weight loss. That being said you need to find what works for you. If I don't eat breakfast I find myself very hungry and making poor choices the rest of the day. If you don't, the by all means skip it.