My Diet is Better Than Yours (TV Show)



  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    My wife was watching it, so I popped my head in just to see if it was as bad as I figured it would be. I wasn't disappointed. The crazy raw vegan detox lady threw her trainee under the bus big time and flounced out of there in a huff!

    That was the crazy 'taskercise' lady.

    Yes, the Taskercize Momma Plan was the worst. I couldn't believe Latasha didn't fire her on week 2. No diet advice, because she didn't seem to know what to eat. Also no real exercise. It was stupid.

    As for the vegan one, she did dish out some woo with the detox talk and massaging the fat to redistribute. BUT, she was fired by her client for 'sabotaging' her with the advice that she can still enjoy treats like cookies. I thought that was solid advice. They also didn't do any serious exercise and that's why she wasn't losing.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    On My Diet Is Better Than Yours, one of the trainers wanted their client to eat a vegan, raw diet. Now, I have no problem with veganism but once the trainer was talking about only drinking smoothies to cleanse out toxins, I lost all faith in that trainer. Some of the other ones don't seem nearly as bad, though.

    Ok, this might explain some posts I've seen recently.
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    Is it bad that I really want to go prancercise right now?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    My wife was watching it, so I popped my head in just to see if it was as bad as I figured it would be. I wasn't disappointed. The crazy raw vegan detox lady threw her trainee under the bus big time and flounced out of there in a huff!

    That was the crazy 'taskercise' lady.

    Yes, the Taskercize Momma Plan was the worst. I couldn't believe Latasha didn't fire her on week 2. No diet advice, because she didn't seem to know what to eat. Also no real exercise. It was stupid.

    As for the vegan one, she did dish out some woo with the detox talk and massaging the fat to redistribute. BUT, she was fired by her client for 'sabotaging' her with the advice that she can still enjoy treats like cookies. I thought that was solid advice. They also didn't do any serious exercise and that's why she wasn't losing.

    Because "detoxing" generally leaves you too weak for any real activity. Some plans even tell you to avoid exercise during the "detox."
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    On My Diet Is Better Than Yours, one of the trainers wanted their client to eat a vegan, raw diet. Now, I have no problem with veganism but once the trainer was talkiing about only drinking smoothies to cleanse out toxins, I lost all faith in that trainer. Some of the other ones don't seem nearly as bad, though.

    It wasn't a raw vegan diet. The smoothies were only for the first week and there's nothing really wrong with that. They started introducing regular food in the second week and it actually looked very good. The vegan team would have succeeded if they had been exercising sufficiently like the wild diet.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I watched the first episode. Not one "trainer" mention counting calories o
    On My Diet Is Better Than Yours, one of the trainers wanted their client to eat a vegan, raw diet. Now, I have no problem with veganism but once the trainer was talkiing about only drinking smoothies to cleanse out toxins, I lost all faith in that trainer. Some of the other ones don't seem nearly as bad, though.

    It wasn't a raw vegan diet. The smoothies were only for the first week and there's nothing really wrong with that. They started introducing regular food in the second week and it actually looked very good. The vegan team would have succeeded if they had been exercising sufficiently like the wild diet.

    Any of the diets could succeed, with or without exercise, if they counted calories. But that seems like too extreme of a concept, even for people who recommend butter in coffee and smoothie detoxes.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    My wife was watching it, so I popped my head in just to see if it was as bad as I figured it would be. I wasn't disappointed. The crazy raw vegan detox lady threw her trainee under the bus big time and flounced out of there in a huff!

    That was the crazy 'taskercise' lady.

    Yes, the Taskercize Momma Plan was the worst. I couldn't believe Latasha didn't fire her on week 2. No diet advice, because she didn't seem to know what to eat. Also no real exercise. It was stupid.

    As for the vegan one, she did dish out some woo with the detox talk and massaging the fat to redistribute. BUT, she was fired by her client for 'sabotaging' her with the advice that she can still enjoy treats like cookies. I thought that was solid advice. They also didn't do any serious exercise and that's why she wasn't losing.

    Because "detoxing" generally leaves you too weak for any real activity. Some plans even tell you to avoid exercise during the "detox."

    I agree, however, the so called 'detox' was only in the first week and she did lose weight, no surprise there. She starts eating in week 2, cries about a cookie, doesn't exercise and gets a zero. They really let me down. Was rooting for them.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Her smoothie diet was only like the first 5 days, though. Call it what you want (well, not here where "cleanse" and "detox" might as well be "exorcism" and "leaching"), but eating a plant-based diet for 5 days isn't going to hurt anyone, whether you chew it or drink it. If you have habit issues with overeating processed carbs, sugar, alcohol, fat, whatever, a strict period of avoidance can be motivating because you do usually feel better.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Barf! The camel toe!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    magtart wrote: »
    The diet expert who told her dieter she would spank her fanny

    Thank god I learned about CICO and found a decent exercise routine
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    edited January 2016
    JenHuedy wrote: »
    I watched the first episode. Not one "trainer" mention counting calories o
    On My Diet Is Better Than Yours, one of the trainers wanted their client to eat a vegan, raw diet. Now, I have no problem with veganism but once the trainer was talkiing about only drinking smoothies to cleanse out toxins, I lost all faith in that trainer. Some of the other ones don't seem nearly as bad, though.

    It wasn't a raw vegan diet. The smoothies were only for the first week and there's nothing really wrong with that. They started introducing regular food in the second week and it actually looked very good. The vegan team would have succeeded if they had been exercising sufficiently like the wild diet.

    Any of the diets could succeed, with or without exercise, if they counted calories. But that seems like too extreme of a concept, even for people who recommend butter in coffee and smoothie detoxes.

    In the same way you can succeed with or without exercise, you can also succeed with or without counting calories. Counting calories is not necessary. A person does need to be aware of what foods are more calorie dense than others in order to make proper choices.

    You can simply gauge the effectiveness of a diet by how much weight you're losing. If you're not losing, increase activity or reduce intake or do a little of both. All doable without calorie counting.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    edited January 2016
    On My Diet Is Better Than Yours, one of the trainers wanted their client to eat a vegan, raw diet. Now, I have no problem with veganism but once the trainer was talkiing about only drinking smoothies to cleanse out toxins, I lost all faith in that trainer. Some of the other ones don't seem nearly as bad, though.

    It wasn't a raw vegan diet. The smoothies were only for the first week and there's nothing really wrong with that. They started introducing regular food in the second week and it actually looked very good. The vegan team would have succeeded if they had been exercising sufficiently like the wild diet.

    Yeah I get that but there's no need for cleanses, your body doesn't magically get rid of "toxins" [we use our organs to do that] and there is no reason to do an smoothie diet to begin with the first week. That is woo.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    So, watching it now for the first time. Why in the hell do the women have to exercise outside in sports bras and spandex shorts while the men are in gym/basketball shorts and t-shirts? They're just doing challenges, not weighing. Why can't they have more clothes on?
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    ecdce wrote: »
    So, watching it now for the first time. Why in the hell do the women have to exercise outside in sports bras and spandex shorts while the men are in gym/basketball shorts and t-shirts? They're just doing challenges, not weighing. Why can't they have more clothes on?

    I was wondering that myself. Maybe it's to see how their bodies change over the weeks? The guys have to take off their shirts during weigh ins.
  • jhall260
    jhall260 Posts: 111 Member
    One thing I have always wondered about these diet shoes is why they weigh in the first few weeks. There can be some pretty big changes in the first few weeks when you are considerably overweight. Water loss, clearing of the intestines and poop, whatever. It makes the people expect 10lb losses each week. While you could see these if you are 100+ lbs overweight they aren't sustainable.

    It also sets a unrealistic comparison between people who are competing. Some people will lose a greater % of their weight initially due to the aforementioned factors, others not so much. It would seem logical to start weigh ins at week 3 or so.

    Oh wait it's reality TV. That answers my question.

    We have all seen it too. I mean after the Holidays the scale was constantly reading 5-6lbs heavier. I knew that once I got back on track it would level off closer to what my maintenance is. It can take some time for the body to reach that equilibrium. The real challenge comes after those first few weeks.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    jennylm87 wrote: »
    Is it bad that I really want to go prancercise right now?

    I admit it did cross my mind for a brief second :lol
    My husband already thinks I'm coocoo for doing laps around the house, him and the neighbours would surely instititionalise me if I started adding in those moves :hushed::wink:

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    It's to sensationalize fatness for tv. The actual weigh-ins aren't even televised.

    'Woo' is in the eye of the beholder. There are toxins in foods, and more in foods that are unhealthy and unlikely to be in smoothies. Eating less toxic food for a few days doesn't mean you don't believe your liver works. E.g., our livers remove mercury we eat in fish and alcohol we get from beverages but it's still a good idea to not eat tuna daily or drink too much alcohol. Intake does matter.
  • Tennisskater
    Tennisskater Posts: 66 Member
    I like seeing some of hints on the show and like that everyone stays in for the long haul it seems a lot more positive and I think their results will last longer than that other weight show
    I liked the recipe for the egg cups...easy to remember
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    ercaface wrote: »
    Quacks!!!! Both ladies were quacks! 'Taskercizing'?? Are you kidding me? And cleanses and resets and massaging fat!!! I seriously yelled at the TV. A lot.
    LOL! Yes they both were nuts for sure!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I like the show. I am picking up a lot of good tips. Next week is the last week they will have the coaches. Supposedly they are on their own. I am going to give it a chance. Regardless of good or bad, I am a sucker for these weight loss shows. They always have something I can take away from it for sure. I find some common threads I see in all of the plans. One being the importance of eating LESS process foods, and working in foods you love within reason, etc. I will be sticking it out until the end..,.. the show is definitely a keeper for me. I hope more watch it so it will have a season 2 :D