switch to another board !!
Just curious to know if there are any pc gamers out there like myself. I'm currently playing/ addicted too overwatch. On level 100 at the moment. I also have played max payne 3 and wolfenstein !!!
go on this journey alone! I've always struggled with my weight but never had an issue getting the motivation to exercise and lose weight. This time around with my health issues, new baby, and busy lifestyle I find that I need a buddy. Someone that can hold me accountable. This will be a mutual thing because I also want to…
I joined MFP years ago . It wasn't until i started having some changes in my health did i realize that i needed to get serious about eating healthy & exercising. When my health changed I felt like my body was failing me. Then i thought about it and realized i was failing my body by having a poor diet & not exercising. My…
hello everyone !!! I use to have the lose your mummy tummy book, but gave it away a few years ago. Does anyone know how much/many of each exercise you need to do (tupler technique) ? I couldn't really find much on the internet it redirects me to Julie Tupler's site & I cannot afford to buy the book again! My DR separation…