Weird things you do
Cold fruit hurts my teeth so if I take and apple (or whatever) out of the fridge I sit with it between my legs for a while before I eat it to warm it up. Doesn't seem strange at to me, but when my brother came downstairs and saw me he was definitely confused lol So I am wondering what things do you do that may seem weird…
Most Frustrating Thing In The World! (not really)
So I have a crush on this guy that works at my gym. I'm not super forward but I've slowly but surely getting to know him and laying some ground work for when I finally balls up and ask him on a date (in theory) Yesterday we were chatting and he asked me what I was doing this weekend. I (nonchantly) said "I don'thave plans…
Need Advice - Spacing Out My Meals
I have been having this trouble on Wednesdays and Thursdays trying to space out my meals. I am up at six and have breakfast then I go to school and am in class straight from 8 until 12 I usually have a small snack on break and eat lunch right after my last class. Then I go to the gym for a few hours but I work at 4:30…
Coffee Shop Job
I recently started a job at a coffee shop as a barista. I'm standing between four to eight hours depending on the shift. I do some light walking (behind the counter, to clear tables, etc.), as well as sweep and mop. I was just wondering if anyone knows how much (if any) exercise I am getting during my shift. Thanks guys…
Turn Up The Heat
What is a good way to add a little heat to your food without adding too much flavour? I like spicy foods because they slow down my eating and make me drink more water, but I hate peppers so most hot sauces taste gross to me. I like curry but not all the time Any suggestions? Thanks :smile:
Hey Guys (Newbie)
Hey guys, my name is Jenna and I'm new to this site. I had fitness pal on my phone for a while but it was costing me too much money so I switched over. I am a 22 year old and I just got a job for the summer. It is at our local lake's marina which means that I have to go to work in a bathing suit pretty much every day and I…