I lost a chart that I had that had Morning, Noon, Evening, Snack and in each column it had a very long list of foods that you could from for that meal. it would also tell you how many certain foods you should choose for that time of day i think it also had a 'Best choice', 'fair choice' 'foods to avoid' in each column. it…
after reading the thread on the "3-day military diet" it made me think about all the yo-yo diets throughout history. I found this cool interactive timeline which goes through all the fad diets in history. http://www.eatright.org/nnm/games/timeline/index.html My favorite is the "Sleepy Beauty Diet" from 1976!
I love my olive oil. the nice dipping kind. Colavita cold pressed. I had 2-3 Tbsp yesterday with pita for lunch and the olive oil had like 120 per Tbsp.....in total that olive oil was like 360 calories!!! it had no carbs though, or sodium. so i know that like the whole Atkins philosophy was not to worry about calories or…
Okay, I'm not sure if this was a mistake on the box or if I am missing something. I ate the weight watchers dark chocolate raspberry ice cream bars and on the box it says : 2 bars equals one serving one bar is 80 calories two bars equals 170 calories. Last time I checked, 80 * 2 = 160..... NOT 170 am I missing something…