Detox Cleanses
Has anyone ever done one? If so, what did you do and your opinions?
I currently own an elliptical, but wanting to buy a new one. Any suggestions or opinions on NordicTrack or Sole? Is it worth getting the ifit?? Thanks!
New group on Facebook
I have created a new group on Facebook that is for people wanting to focus on fitness and natural living. I will still keep this PCOS group and the Facebook PCOS group. Please join! https://www.facebook.com/groups/naturallivingandfitness/
Facebook Group
I've created a Facebook group here is the link... https://www.facebook.com/groups/fightpcosnaturally/
Foods that detox and clean your body
Here you can share recipes that you like that are PCOS friendly!
What do you all do for exercise? I mainly do the elliptical right now but in the past I've done P90x and I hope to get back into that soon! I also try to walk everyday and play outside with my kids to burn a few more extra calories :) I do Pilates some days. I also alternate cardio and strength workouts for example I did…
Let's Share!
Hi everyone! Thought we could start this post to share our stories (if you would like to) and/or tell us all a little about yourself. I'll start below...
Low carbs
Anyone doing low carbs? If you are what are some good things to eat that are low in carbs and how many carbs are you having in a day?