Starting induction
I'm looking to restart induction. I want to do it clean and by the book. Anyone else?
Atkins induction
I'm looking to restart induction. I want to do it clean and by the book. Anyone else? (I don't want to start a debate on whether or not someone thinks Atkins is an appropriate diet, please save those comments for another thread, thanks!)
Weight Training for Dummies
Yes. It's a real book. And yes, I'm considering buying it. Does anyone have other websites or books they'd recommend for someone just starting out? I have plans to get a trainer to teach me proper form, but I'd like to get some baseline knowledge. Also, does anyone have experience with lifting with an upper back injury? I…
Anyone like me?
Hi all - I just joined today. I'm coming from a similar site that didn't have a "community" like this one. I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who's similar to me. I am 31, 5'10, 307 (highest weight) and I have PCOS and insulin resistance. Total apple shape. I've lost weight in the past, going from 220 to 160, then…