Last year there is no way I would have even tried this, but today my wife and I hiked up Sandia Mountain on the La Luz trail. It was 7.1 miles up the mountain through some crazy switches and then maybe three miles of a giant boulder field with steep switchbacks built right through the boulders. When the adrenalin wears…
Here's the deal, I graduated Air Force basic training in 1985 as an honor grad with great fitness results, etc.. 2015 will make 30 years since graduation and I'm going to try and meet the new requirements, with a twist. There are now three different levels of passing and I have assigned a reward to each of the levels. Male…
Have anyone tried to write software while using a treadmill desk?
The best When I hooked my belt this morning I discovered I had absentmindedly used the hole two up from where I started in February. It is hard to describe how something so simple really made my day. The second I teach at a local university at night and on Tuesday night I had a student I haven't seen in several months come…
Anybody come up with a way to make sure you make it to one of the new gym pods they've installed around here?