I have to admit that going back to work was awesome but not the foods that were coming in from all over especially from Thanksgiving and Christmas and now Pot Lucks and more. I haven't been honest with myself for quite awhile and I am starting to fell the affects. I didn't loose 37 lbs to put it all back on. I have…
I love having friends from all over but would love to have friends right here In Michigan. Any takers?
I moved it for over an hr today on the treadmill plus took a evening walk with my kids. Once my hamstrings are better I will be going back to doing my Zumba. Happy choose it × 1 he everyone.
I know that a lot of people will not believe me when I say that I am going through pre menopause because I am only 31 but I don't up the symptoms and if I could make them disappear I would in a heart beat. All I know i ever since I got my tubal ligation my body has been going through a roller coaster for the last 5 years…