So today I just join this site however in December I started to change the way I eat. More organic no fried or process food. Well my husband seem so supportive please keep in mind he is 5'9 155 lbs very active so he eats any and everything. Me on the other hand is a different story I look at food it goes straight to my…
Have anyone take this fat burner or heard about it? If so did it work what was your lost or side effects while taking? I am curious because the clerk at GNC was promoting it but I am kind of leary. Due to the fact they try and sale you anything. Doing some research.
Today is my first day on here, I am looking for support and friends that knows what its like to struggle losing weight. I am a first time mom and currently unemployed so instead of sitting home getting bigger. I decided to make a change for the good. My set back is I am a emotional eater I eat when I am happy, sad,…