Diaries and Unnecessary Comments - Rant
So, up until about ten minutes ago, I had my journal open to the public, I have since downgraded to 'Friends Only' after a very strange incident. Someone actually scolded me because they saw my food journal, and I ate beef and potatoes for lunch. Why did I get scolded you ask? Because its Friday, and lent, which means I…
Getting Sick...What should I take?
I feel a cold coming about. Its like it hit me out of nowhere. I dont like taking medication, as Im currently already on so many different types. What are some more herbal/tea/food related recommendations for battling through this cold...I dont have time to get sick ;)
No Longer Hungry
Prior to my calorie counting, I had the worlds largest appetite. Ok, maybe not that big, but it was big for me. A month and a half ago is when I started watching my calories it was. My new problem is not eating too much, but now its eating too little. In the last seven days, I have frequently been under my calorie goal…
Im ALWAYS busy and need some advice on food
My schedule has to be one of the ugliest things I have ever seen during the week. Monday - Friday: I work 8am - 5pm Mon & Wed: I have class from 6-720pm Tue: I have class from 6:30-8:20pm Mon-Wed: I try to workout after class Somewhere in between, I drop off Avon orders and run errands. I have to leave straight from work…
Recipe Substitute Question
I found a recipe called Creamy Chicken, Vegetables, and Noodles (Kraft Foods website) that looks very tasty and uses ingredients that I like such as egg noodles, and lots of veggies. This recipes calls for Velveeta cheese. Personally, I dont eat cheeses like that. It actually scares me slightly. What would anyone else…
Dancing My Way To Fitness
I have weighed the exact same amount for the last few weeks since Ive started at myfitnesspal. I would be discouraged, but I know I havent 'always' eaten the best (though Ive stayed close to my 1200 every day, only going over here and there), so I cant be mad about results not showing more. However, I haven't been…