Hi, just scheduled my Pre Op appointment and Surgery today! I'm both nervous and excited. Can't wait to start this journey to a healthier me! I'm looking for a support group that has been there/ done that who can offer pointers and advice along the way. :smile:
We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 am and surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am. I'm nervous, excited and anxious... and a little wishful that I could just wake up and it be a month from now, lol. Tomorrow starts the rest of my 'healthy' life not to mention a whole lot of first times, new experiences and things I've always…
Hi, just scheduled my Pre Op appointment and Gastric Sleeve Surgery today! I'm both nervous and excited. Can't wait to start this journey to a healthier me! I'm looking for a support group that has been there/ done that who can offer pointers and advice along the way. :smile: