Half Marathons
Looking for some advice, I'm doing a HM this Sunday 9/21 so I'm in the midst of taper week...In looking at the fall racing schedule I see another Half on 10/12 that's close to my home (this is why the idea crosses my mind). So my question is being so close together, I've been using a 12wk plan. If I choose to do this do I…
Calories from a treadmill accuate?
Today I hooked up my IPOD fitness to my run on the treadmill and had 100 calorie difference,I was at the YMCA as usuall I programmed my IPOD with weight & height and all the info from the run was the same except for the calories burned. So is this common with treadmills? Or do I have to load the same info to a often used…
New Jersey...."is there anybody alive out there"
To steal a line from Bruce Springsteen, just joined last week, i'm motivated looking to see how many folks from Jersey out there and let's be friends. Ernie
Hi everyone i'm.....
Ernie, living in Northern NJ I was lucky enough to find this site through an app on my phone, In January I joined the Sussex County YMCA looking to get rid of 20lbs, in the past whenever I needed to lose weight I would always run, I never joined a gym but i'm really getting into the Y and the motivation is back and excited…