I would love to be one of those people who find time to fit everything in, and are constantly on the go. But my problem is I have little to no motivation. After working all day, I have no energy. I'll start a workout routine, but then a week or two I'll stop for some reason. My question is I guess is if anyone has any…
I have problems with my feet because of the fact that I have high arches and I tend to walk on the outsides of my feet. My question is, does anyone know of the best (and affordable) inserts or shoes that could help with this? I have issues with merely walking, let alone trying to exercise. I feel this is really hindering…
My name is Mary and just wanted to say hello! I'm excited about my new lifestyle journey, but also a bit anxious. Being a former athlete, I never dreamed I would let myself get to this point. The added weight is not only affecting my health, it's affecting the way I few myself as well. But I'm putting all that behind me…