Lack energy and motivation

I would love to be one of those people who find time to fit everything in, and are constantly on the go. But my problem is I have little to no motivation. After working all day, I have no energy. I'll start a workout routine, but then a week or two I'll stop for some reason. My question is I guess is if anyone has any suggestions on how to boost my energy level and to stay motivated. Are there any good supplements out there for energy that actually work?


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Is hitting the gym before work out of the question?
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    b vitamins. :) i live by them because i have the same problem. it ddoesn't have to be any special one, but a good multi with a b complex works great for me and you can get them anywhere. as for the motivation, find a workout buddy. my hubs and i work together and our gym is pretty close to our house on the way home, so he's pretty good about not letting me get lazy. and when we get there i end up pushing him. :)
    set some goals- small weekly ones maybe and then your ultimate goal. keep it in site and have your little goals as stepping stones. carve out a little time each day to exercise. it doesn't have to be a 2 hour marathon. just like 20 or 30 minutes. and really stick to it for 3 or 4 weeks. check your progress after that and see how far you've come. if you have breaks at work, use them. after a few weeks you'll have more energy and feel better about taking time to do it.
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    maybe it is the food that you are eating? I noticed that when I changed my diet I had more energy.
    I also have to find a class that motivates me... find weights boring, but I love kickboxing and crossfit.
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 208 Member
    Motivation is something that has to come from deep within yourself. You need to think about why you decided to lose weight and what it means to you. The other thing that is helpful is to set up some long and short term goals that you want to achieve when working out/training. Just working out without any direction can lead you to feel bored.

    As far as energy, I make sure I take my vitamins every day and that I have enough iron. When I first started tracking my food, I realized my iron was very low which can lead to tiredness. When I added more iron, I felt a lot better and more energized. I think MG fit has a point as well that if you get up earlier and workout before work, you can get it out of the way and relax when you get home.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    What kind of foods are y ou eating? I find that if I eat too much junk/not enough of the good stuff I lack energy. Also, are you getting enough sleep? I also find that if I don't exercise enough I lack energy. I know these sound obvious but these are the questions that I had to ask myself.

    Do you have anybody who could be your gym budy or who you could go to a class with? What kind of exercise to you enjoy? you don't have to be pounding round a gym to lose weight (although I know it helps!).

    Motivation is a real problem for me too. I really need to up my exercise levels. I stay motivated by doing things I enjoy doing and involving hubby in some of the stuff that I do.

    Feel free to add me if you fancy supporting each other!
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    For me, dietary changes have made the biggest difference for my weight loss. But as a person who used an exhausting day of work as an excuse to ignore my own health needs, I have found that using a Fitbit has made a huge difference in how I move through the day. I like the corny badges for mini goals and I like competing against myself to get more steps in than the previous day. I do have the advantage of having a treadmill which I keep in the living room. I love watching tv--so I figured that I might as well walk while I watch. Five minutes here and there make a world of difference in how you feel--mentally, as in keeping a promise to yourself--as well as physically. And nothing breeds success like success! Now I'm doing thirty minute sessions at a time.

    Also, knowing I will be tired after a long day, I get up early and make sure everything's set for dinner (crockpot meal prepped etc.) and knowing I'll be getting up early, I grind my coffee beans etc. ready before I go to bed. I know that my days will just get more exhausting if I keep dragging this extra 85 pounds around with me.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    Even if you can't hit the gym of there is a routine you could do at home before work it may help. I feel that if I workout in the morning it makes me feel much better throughout the day. Also taking short walks on breaks/lunch could help.