Hi, I'm Becky from Birmingham, UK. I'm 27 and I'm terrible at keeping active on here. But I need to try harder, I need to stay motivated and its easier to stay motivated when you have people supporting you. So please, if you wish, add me as a friend. Kick my butt into being on here everyday. 😂 I'm going to post pictures of…
Hello everyone! I used to be a member and then I just stopped using the app and didn't end up keeping up with my weight loss journey. Lately I've been in a bit of a rut, I've developed and kind of overcome an eating disorder, and now I want to start eating properly and eat right. I want to overcome it completely and get…
Hello, I joined this site two days ago now. I have a plan of what I want to do, what my goal is and how to get to that goal. It's just the inspiration and the moral support that I need which is missing. My birthday is coming up in February and I bought a dress a size too small for inspirtation. (Not like I'm celebrating my…