Hi, I just got the news from my OB nurse that I failed 2 out of 4 of my blood draws yesterday on the glucose tolerance test. I'll be contacted by a diabetic center and have to meet with a nutritionist, and prick my fingers 4x a day. Looking for other moms on the same journey! Anyone want to share what to expect, and what's…
I joined one year ago today, and have lost over 25 pounds! Thank you, thank you, MFP! I wasn't losing any weight with exercise alone, and using MFP has really re-taught me how to eat. I also have hypothyroidism, so this might have made achieving my goals harder. But thanks to MFP, zumba, swim, and kickboxing, I feel 1,000…
I was looking back today on a pic from February, and was struck by the difference. I think I happened to start MFP that very day. Photo from last week: After about 6 months of MFP (and a mix of Zumba, the elliptical, swim) I feel great! Now I'm trying to maintain and tone, and loving my lifestyle change. I wish MFP was…