Free Food Freefall
I dont know if anyone else is like this but when there is free food around or im alone with food i get all werid and become obssessed with it . Its litterally like im being pulled to it . Its so frustrating to physically not want it but your mind is saying " Yup you definatly need that meatloaf in your cousins fridge" .…
So whats everyone listening to during their workouts ? Do you Ipod , Radio , Tv , Slacker/Pandora , or something else ? Me , i am on Pandora most mornings and my stations are so random ..I just go with my mood . Latelty its been Andrew Loyd Webber station , I need a lil Phantom lol . Spice Girls raido and this has alot of…
Just looking for others like me that has over 100lbs to lose . I think its neat to support and be supported by people who are dealing with some of the same issues :) Im Jen from Ohio i weigh 256 as of yesterday and my goal weight is 150 so i gots a long way to go .. :) Cant wait to meet new people on here ...
Back again
I feel like a dvd thats got a scratch and it goes forward a little bit but skips back , then goes forward and skips ..Just this crappy cycle over and over . I am back here and back in a healthy mindset , I kinda just gave up and was in a preety low place in my health , i hit rock bottom when i began to hide and eat . Yeah…
Motivation Help
Hey guys i am not new here , i was on and doing good for quite some time , but i wrecked my car and well got lazy due to excuses ..I am now back on track , and looking for people to be motivated by and to motivate....I have a new weapon also in my fight and he is GOD!!!! He doesnt set things in front of us that we cant…
Not a newbie on here but fell off the fat wagon and new agai
Hey guys i am not new here , i was on and doing good for quite some time , but i wrecked my car and well got lazy due to excuses ..I am now back on track , and looking for people to be motivated by and to motivate....I have a new weapon also in my fight and he is GOD!!!! He doesnt set things in front of us that we cant…
Rock Bottom
I feel ive hit rock bottom :( I recently was really sick , and this made me eat alot . So this triggered my Binge eating again , to the point now im feeling like im loseing control ...Im so lost and ashamed ..I was doing so well and now i feel like a failure :(
Hello i was wondering if there is a prayer group on MFP and if so can i join ? If there isnt one would anyone want to start one. I personally belive if im trying to physical better myself i want the whole me healthy. So , being spirtualy sound is the ultimate way to make me healthty and strong.. So does anyone want to ...
Book Club Week 2
Hey guys I know last week we were suppsoe to have week 2 but i was in work training ..YUCK!! So heres week 2's question . What do you like about it so far ? Can you see her in yourself ? Discuss :)
Ohio Susan Korman Race
Hey are there any ohioans or people who live close want to do the race with me ? There is one in Columbus that is a 5k and then one in Cleveland thats a 60mile 3day thing i really wanna do both ...So anytakers
Book Club Week 1
Hey yall who are interested in a book club . I am starting it this week . The book is " Eat Pray Love " and i decided to keep it a open book discusion forum , and i will throw out thought provokeing questions . Along with your throughts or idea and life anolgys...Preety much its a open discusions.....Sooooooo here we…
Book Club
Calling all book worms !! Hey guys i love to read and i think along with our bodys we need to make sure our minds our fit . With that being said i would like to start a book club . Does anyone want to join . Im thinking we start with " Eat Pray Love " We discuse certain topics , i can locate discusions questions , and we…
Hiya I am Jenn , i am new to this site , but not new to being chubby and on a diet .. so ive stricken the word diet from my vocab , im choseing to say its a lifestyle change :) So im here to be inspired and hopefully inspire others ....