Book Club Week 1

TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Hey yall who are interested in a book club . I am starting it this week . The book is " Eat Pray Love " and i decided to keep it a open book discusion forum , and i will throw out thought provokeing questions . Along with your throughts or idea and life anolgys...Preety much its a open discusions.....Sooooooo here we gooooo!!!!

I know most havent started the book while others have ( me ) So im just gonna have a open topic of Introductions .

What you normally read:
What you hope to get out of the book?
3 Places you would love to visit on a self disvoery journey

Happy Reading



  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Name: Rebecca
    Location: Indianapolis IN
    What you normally read: I LOVE memoir! People are fascinating :)
    What you hope to get out of the book? I'm on a self-discovery journey too, trying to find the 'fit me', so I'm hoping to be inspired!
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self discover journey - Germany, Alaska, Ireland
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Hey Jenn...

    Neat idea.

    I read "Eat Pray Love" last year and loved it and the movie. Although both are very different.

    So here are the answers to the questions you posted:

    Name: Rachel
    Location: South central Arkansas
    What you normally read: Mysteries, romance, suspense; stuff like Rita Mae Brown, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, etc.
    What you hope to get out of the book? I got a lot out of the book when I read it. It was very inspirational and motivational. I would love to take a year off and get out there and live life.
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self discovery journey: Definately would go to Australia to relish in the wide open spaces; Italy for a little indulgence and somewhere in Asia--maybe China or India for spiritual refresher.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Name: Faerie

    Location: Undisclosed areas of mist

    What you normally read: Stephen King, Anne Rice, Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Dorthy Parker, Bios with a good story to them.., Loved the Harry Potter series (may have to read that again soon!), Liked the Twilight series also...I could go on and on.....

    What you hope to get out of the book: Not sure yet, I do know a movie was made from it, which I have not seen, and I normally would not pick up a book like this, so maybe it will open my eyes to something new.....

    3 places you would live to visit on a self discovery journey: Wales, Denmark, Alnmouth (a village on the coast of England)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hey, I love to read (I'm a language arts teacher...) and I'd love to join you.

    Name: Amy
    Location: Colorado
    What you normally read: I read pretty much everything, with my favorites being fantasy/sci-fi/horror. I enjoy Stephen King, Jim Butcher, the Hallows series, etc. I also enjoy reading Young Adult novels/series as well. I'm not a fan of historical fiction (except the Outlander series) and non-fiction.
    What you hope to get out of the book? To be entertained and if I learn something new...great.
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self discovery journey? Croatia, Ireland, Australia

    I read Eat, Pray, Love a while ago (I wasn't a fan...) but I could discuss it.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Name: Ashley

    Location: Texas

    What you normally read: YA, Vampire, Jodi Picoult.

    What you hope to get out of the book? I have no idea. :)

    3 Places you would love to visit on a self discovery journey: Scotland, Italy, France.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Name: Jenn or Jennifer
    Location: OHIO
    What you normally read: wow , really whatever i can get my hands on. I love to read . I love the Twilight saga , and the House of Night seris .. I love Vampires !! ..Hmmm i lvoe love historical fiction and Mystrys
    What you hope to get out of the book? I want to be a better me , to learn to love me and project that love ..
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self disvoery journey ? Ireland to find luck , Italy to find love (not romantic love but love ) , and India to find me
  • bcgirl55
    bcgirl55 Posts: 17 Member
    Name: Jo-Anne

    Location: Winfield, BC, Canada

    What you normally read: JD Robb, Michael Connelly - detective and lawyer stories. I also like to read from the Canada Reads list.

    What you hope to get out of the book? a good read, something that keeps me engaged

    3 Places you would love to visit on a self disvoery journey - Italy, France, Costa Rica (not sure if this is self discovery, or just cause I wanna go!:laugh:
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Next thursday try to have some read by then .. I am not a dictator and frankly dont care if you dont read it , but i think you will gain more if you do ..Soo read some and come up with some things maybe are important to you i guess . A quote that speaks to you , a place where you have felt the same ..i think you get the idea ...
  • Anyone who has read the OUTLANDER series...I have heard a ton of good things about it...and am considering getting the first one for my Cindle (no "cay" ey on this dumb annoying!) but you no... I usually read bestsellers, Stephen ing, Robert Crais...stuff lie that...I truly can't stand annoying juvenile type boos...lie when they repeat each other's name every sentence...or add inane stupid adverbs all the time i.e. "She replied saucily...He grinned stupidly...They gazed adoringly"...UGH.

    Anyway...would lie to hear if anyone thins it would be a good buy...I LOVE my Cindle so much!!!!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I loved the Outlander books!
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I've been wanting to read this book for the longest. I just downloaded it to my phone so I can read on the go and talk to you guys about it. I'm excited.

    Name: Jillian
    Location: Oak Park, MI
    What you normally read: Anything Sci-Fi or classic books (ie, Jane Eyre, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, The Metamorphosis)
    What you hope to get out of the book? I'm interested to know what she did in her pursuit of being happy with her life.
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self disvoery journey? Egypt, Japan, Tibet (I would love to vacation in all three)
  • Name ~ Nicky
    Location ~ Newport, South Wales
    Normally Read ~ Jodi Picoult, Maya Anggelou, Tom Sharpe, Stephen King, J K Rowling, James Herbert
    What I Want Out Of A Book ~ Escapism from day to day life
    3 Places To Visit ~ Portugal (used to live there and it's like a 2nd home), Russia (to do Trans Siberian Express), Italy (to eat great pizza)

    Currently reading Mercy ~ Jodi Picoult so may have skip 1st book but will pick up with the next 1
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I am so happy to start this you gals seem like a great bunch ..*hugs*
  • bcgirl55
    bcgirl55 Posts: 17 Member
    The Outland books are a great read. Well written and great characters. The historical information is great too., She has done a lot of research. The actual historical events included are real and she has woven them into the stories. I couldn't put the first one down, and have eagerly awaited each subsequent book. The first book also got me interested in genealogy, especially because I have Scots ancestors. I'm sure you will enjoy them!!
  • sldsld
    sldsld Posts: 13
    I love my Kindle! You can also join a Kindle lending club - I think you can access it through Facebook, if not, just Google it. It's a no risk way of borrowing and loaning books!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Can I join? I will get it from the library this week, just watched the movie :)

    Name: Katie
    Location: Ohio
    What you normally read: a little bit of everything :) mysteries, romance, inspirational, suspense, chick lit, teen, I'm not picky!
    What you hope to get out of the book? a good read
    3 Places you would love to visit on a self disvoery journey: Italy because I've always wanted to go, Norway because it's part of my heritage, Fiji...well because it's Fiji!
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