Since that picture in 2007, I lost about 15 lbs and kept it off for almost 2 years. Then came the excessive overtime at work, the constant stress and a new job in 2011. By 2012, I was back at where I started in '07 (looked and weighted the same as the first pic.) Now that I lost the weight (again), I don't want this to be…
Looking for people that successfully shed old belly fat (10 or more years with love handles/spare tire/pot belly) and now have a six pack. I am finding the last inch or two extremely hard to get rid off. I was there before (body fat stuck at 12%) then got discouraged and fell off the wagon after a few months without…
Just signed up on Monday to track calories for the 5:2 Fast Diet. Trying to lose 15 lbs but after the first 3 weeks, I lost 0. Now I'm trying the Fast Diet and looking for an even faster workout.