jchwhiskey Member


  • Toronto here - specifically North York / Scarborough area.
  • If your DVD player was purchased overseas (i.e. Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia) it might not play the DVD purchased in North America. Basically DVD players are made to play DVDs with the same "region" code. Google "change region dvd player" for more information/help.
  • I got the DVDs last week and just started on Monday. After stumbling through 2 workouts, I'm all sore and stiff now.
  • Likewise here. After eating healthy and working out for about 4 months now, my body is toned except for the belly. That last inch of fat over the belly is covering the 6 pack underneath. LoL I don't want to lose any more weight but I do want to lower the body fat percentage. I've read a lot of posts saying lifting heavy…
  • Can you tell me the time frame between the 2 pictures? I'm kinda like your before pic now and just wondering how long will it take to see some result.
  • A former co-worker did it. He looked really sick after a few weeks then after the 3rd month, he couldn't take the hunger and went back to his old ways. He gained it all back and more but believe or not, he looked healthier. ALL diets work if they are followed religiously because they ALL equate to a calorie deficit (better…
  • Checking in after the first weight-in and since I introduced myself a week ago. I lost 4 lbs after one week on the 5:2 Fast Diet. My initial reason to try 5:2 was that I lost 0 lb after 3 weeks of eating less & exercising. I admit I didn't go in depth on the research and yes, I thought I was going to pork out like I…
  • Thanks for the info MsPudding. I read the link and taken it in. When I decided to try 5:2, I was thinking of just fasting the 2 days then eat normally like I do for the other 5 days (this means typically MORE than my TDEE.) Just for clarification, I do eat 600-700 calories for the 2 fasting days. With that said, after 2…