how to keep the weight off!!!
hi can anybody tell me when one losses all the weight one ants to loose, and eventually get to there target weight goal, how many calories shoul one take a day tokeep the weight off, i want to loose 5 pounds ive got 2 more punds to go then im at my ideal weight, the only problem is i want to know how many calories i should…
pigging out!
hi can somebody tell me why i do really well on my eating plan for about a week then i just pig out on crips and choclate at the end of the week araggghhhhh its so irratating!!
pigging out.
happy easter eveybody, iam eatig loads this weekend xxxx
hi can somebody tell mw how much is one ounce. is it a handful a teaspoonful, soory for being so ignorant. i just dont know thanks.
foods with sodium
dose anybody know what types of food contain sodium, as i dont tend to have a lot in my diet. thanks
to much sugar
hi i was wondering if somebody could tell me if its bad to have your daily intake of calories perfect but the sugar level always more, for example iam allow to have 1300 calories as my daily intake, iam usually really good and always take about 1250 calories, to 1300 calories and never go over this, but the problem is my…