I have 3 chihuahuas and they are a part of my family. They are like my children. Cocoa, she's brown & white, 3 years old, 5 lbs....Bella is a golden long haired, 1.5 years old, 5 lbs...PeeWee is black & white, 2.5 years old and she weighs 3 lbs. Cocoa & PeeWee are the protectors; Bella is just as sweet as she can be, she's…
Post some funny, bizarre, weird pictures that you took. It could be anything that you think is hilarious or just plain strange.
O.K. Here's how it goes, post part of a sentence, about three or four words, and the next person posting on the message board finishes the sentence and starts a new sentence. For example, the first person could post a sentence beginning with the words "What did you," and the 2nd person might say "have for breakfast?" Then…