Greetings. It is not my nature to post an introduction at message boards. I am saying hello in the chance that there might be like-minded people out there who are interested in sharing thoughts and ideas to stay motivated with staying in shape/staying on track.
Hello. This is a question to anyone out there who has had thryoid surgery. I had the right lobe of my thyroid removed 4 years ago to remove a tumor. I have had hypothyroidism for years, so this was a new and unsettling development. Tumor was removed, and I am fine. It was benign. In the wake, however, I have seen a steady…
Greetings! I live in a city where festivals abound, which include wonderful food and music. It is a foodie's paradise. It is also a walker-friendly city. I hope that being part of the MFP community will help me stay on track. This type of tracking works! but it takes writing it down and committing to it everyday.…