Hello all I am looking to make some pals on this here site. I have been known to say some pretty witty and comical things and am a good listener. They say this journey is easier made with friends so hit me up! Chris
I am kinda just putting this out there as maybe a distress signal. I started dieting and excercise 21 days ago and have lost 16 lbs. (YEAH!) The problem is that when I eat more than 1400 calories in a day I become extremely overcome by guilt. I find myself wanting to push myself harder and harder to drop weight because it…
Hello everybody, my name is Chris and I am here to get healthy. I believe this journey to be difficult but so worth the effort. This is definitley something that works a lot better if you have support, so if you need some I have plenty to spare. Just remember nothing worth having comes cheap or easy, so let's work hard and…