any success stories for ladies with giant legs? Pics? I've never had a shape to my legs & im wondering if anyone else has done what I'm trying to do..
im 310. 5'7". I starting going to the gym & eating healthier & @ deficit 3 weeks ago. 5 days a week I walk for 30 minutes, 20 minutes as fast as I can. 3 days I do bench press, triceps dips, calf raises, thighs abductor, & leg press. Am I on the right track? My gym has no trainers or even guides.
Would like some feedback from someone who has successfully lost >100 lbs or a fitness expert if my workout is right/enough? Help!!
recently started here. doing well with calories. riding bike 30 minutes 5 days a week. i also have daily farm chores. i want to start working upper body. i'm willing to be sore,but not so much that i cant function @ work. there are no gyms here. i have 10 lb weights. & 5 gallon buckets. could someone make suggestions on…