Hi, I have been following a 5x5 program for some time now, with the intent to gain strength and some muscle. Anything you have learned relating to increasing gains, breaking plateaus, and general motivation is greatly appreciated. Stay lean, stay mean
Ectomorph/endomorph/mesomorph? Perhaps this isn't the right message board but... I've been interested to know this for a while and haven't really got a conclusive answer on this. Just interested for the sake of it, any help appreciated. I am 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 62 kg (137 lb) and have been working out for the past…
I don't think I'll get many replies (if any,) but wth, anyone on here from the IOW? And yes... It's a real place.. South of the uk if you have a map handy, you'll have to look carefully so as not to confuse it with a spec of dust ;)
Hi guys, I'm pretty new, first post right here. I'm currently sitting at 16% bodyfat, my main goals are to build muscle but to do so whilst staying lean. I'm not looking to do a traditional 'bulk' as some bodybuilders do to gain more muscle, as i am a little worried about losing the fat afterwards. Just wondering should i…